Penny Putnam Collins
Ms. Putnam-Collins, MPA has more than 30 years of experience in child welfare practice, administration, training, program evaluation, and research. Throughout her career, her focus has been on best practice, the engagement of families, a well-trained child welfare workforce, and multi-disciplinary partnerships to ensure child safety and improved well-being for children and families. Her experience includes frontline casework and supervision, county administration, conducting State quality assurance reviews, and serving as the lead State child welfare trainer. Joining ICF in 2008, she was assigned to the Child Welfare Monitoring Project for the Federal Child and Family Services Reviews round 2. As Program Manager with Child Welfare Information Gateway, she was responsible for the content development of the Family Engagement Inventory microsite, interviewing and writing reports on various Children’s Bureau discretionary grant projects, and was the subject matter expert for various website sections and tasks, and the researcher and primary author of four Reports to Congress. As Senior Manager of Child Welfare Strategic Initiatives for Information Gateway, she supervised a team of child welfare subject matter experts, the development of strategic partnerships, and audience engagement.