Alternative Work Arrangements

Virginia Progress Update - The Timely Implementation of a Technology Solution
Virginia created an app to help their child welfare workforce manage administrative and family engagement tasks out of the office. Learn more about their progress.
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Managing Stress while Working from Home during the Pandemic: Strategies for Self-Care
Self-care can help you stay present and regain a sense of control. Read the post and watch the webinar excerpt.
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Nebraska Progress Update – Addressing Secondary Traumatic Stress
Nebraska is building resiliency to address worker turnover. This post provides an update on their implementation of CFS Strong, a three-part model to address secondary trauma among child welfare workers and supervisors.
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Supervising Child Welfare Professionals Virtually during a Pandemic
Strategies to help supervisors support their staff, encourage team cohesion, and ensure the work will continue throughout the COVID 19 crisis.
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Washington State is Using Telework to Strengthen the Child Welfare Workforce
The Washington Department of Children, Youth and Families shares their experience with implementation from the perspective of workers, supervisors, and administrators.
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Washington Progress Update – Telework in Action
The Washington site is working with the QIC-WD to design, implement, and study telework as a strategy to support and retain the child welfare workforce. This post provides an update on their progress and summarizes early lessons learned.
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Supporting the Child Welfare Workforce when People Have to Work from Home
As child welfare agencies consider how best to incorporate technology solutions into everyday workforce activities, this blog post links to evidence-informed tips and lists free and no-cost technology options for remote child welfare workers.
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Mobile Solution Roll Out Update (November 2019)
Virginia’s mobile solution, COMPASS, allows case carrying child welfare workers and supervisors (known as family service specialists) to capture and manage case notes from the field.
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Virginia Rolls Out a Mobile Solution
A local news story from WSLS highlights how the Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) is implementing a mobile solution to reduce the burden of paperwork on child welfare workers.
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Using Technology to Reduce the Burden of Paperwork: Preliminary Lessons Learned from the QIC-WD Virginia Site
The Quality Improvement Center for Workforce Development (QIC-WD) partnered with the Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) in 2017 to conduct research examining the efficacy of technology interventions aimed at reducing child welfare staff turnove
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