
Announcing Workforce Data Dashboard Partner Sites
The QIC-WD is working with select child welfare agencies to create data dashboards from their workforce data related to recruitment, development, and retention.
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Counterproductive Work Behavior
What does research say about harmful employee behaviors? This umbrella summary describes the available evidence about counterproductive work behaviors.
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Organizational Citizenship Behavior
What does it mean to be a good organizational citizen? Read this summary to learn more about the outcomes and antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviors.
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Work-Family Conflict
What happens when employees face conflicting pressures from work and family? Read this umbrella summary to learn more about work-family conflict and how it relates to employee outcomes.
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Work-Family Enrichment
How can experiences at work and with family positively impact each other? Read this umbrella summary to learn more about work-family enrichment.
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Employee Fit
Fit: What is person-environment fit? How does it relate to recruiting outcomes and employee attitudes and behaviors? Read this summary to learn more.
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Role Stress
Employees may face unclear or conflicting expectations regarding their roles in the workplace. Read this umbrella summary to learn more about role ambiguity and role conflict, two types of role stress.
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Leader-Member Exchange
What is leader-member exchange and how does it relate to follower performance and job satisfaction? Read this umbrella summary to learn more.
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The Child Welfare Workforce Crisis – What We’re Hearing from the Field
This blog post highlights the concerns state child welfare and human resources leaders from 29 states have about the child welfare workforce, as shared in recent meetings.
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Assessing your Workforce Needs
It is worth the time to understand the root causes of your agency’s child welfare workforce problems. This post highlights tools to guide your needs assessment and use data to pinpoint challenges.
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