
Organizational Socialization
What approach is best for onboarding new employees? Read this Umbrella Summary to learn more.
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Learning from Workforce Studies that Cut Across Social Services
Sometimes studies from outside the child welfare field provide valuable information for child welfare - check out this example.
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My Experience with CFS Strong
This blog post is written by a supervisor in Nebraska who is part of the implementation team and participated in CFS Strong.
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What is the value of perseverance and long-term goal commitment? This Umbrella Summary describes the available evidence about grit.
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Job Involvement
What happens when a job is central to a person’s identity? This Umbrella Summary describes the available evidence about job involvement.
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Psychological Capital
Why is it important for employees to have hope, optimism, and confidence at work? This Umbrella Summary describes the available evidence about psychological capital.
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Perceived Organizational Support
Why is it important for employers to convey commitment to their employees? This Umbrella Summary describes the available evidence about perceived organizational support.
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Strategies to Improve Child Welfare Worker Retention
Many organizations & teams are looking for answers to the challenge of worker turnover in child welfare. This blog post highlights research and strategies described in several publications and discusses the connection to the work being done by the QIC-WD.
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Perceptions of Organizational Politics
How do employees react to self-serving behavior in the workplace? This Umbrella Summary describes the available evidence about perceptions of organizational politics.
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Job Embeddedness
Why is it important for employees to have social connections on and off the job? This Umbrella Summary describes the available evidence about job embeddedness.
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